10 Common Management Mistakes Managers Make

10 Common Management Mistakes Managers Make

Are you a new manager?

Are you a seasoned manager who needs a bit of help?

10 Common Management Mistakes Managers Make and How to Avoid them

Here’s a list of the 10 most common mistakes managers make:

1. Not Making the Transition from Worker

Becoming a manager requires development of a whole new set of business skills.

People skills.

When you were a worker, you were basically responsible for yourself.

Now, you’re responsible for the results of others. Sometimes, it’s a tough transition, but with the proper tools and assistance, it will be satisfying.

2. Failing to Delegate

Rule No. 1: You can’t do everything yourself.

Even if you could, that would not be the most effective use of your time as a manager. When you delegate work to your employees, you multiply the amount of work you can do.

You also create opportunities for your staff to develop their work and leadership skills.

3. Not Setting Goals with Employees

Effective performance starts with clear goals.

If you don’t set goals with your employees, the result often is an organization that has no direction and employees who have few challenges and, therefore, little motivation to do anything but show up for work and collect a paycheck.

It’s up to you as a manager to meet with your employees to develop realistic, attainable goals and guide them in their efforts to achieve the organization’s vision.

4. Failing to Communicate

Some managers control information to ensure they are the most knowledgeable — and therefore the most valuable — person in their organization.

This is not a good thing.

The widespread dissemination of information throughout an organization and free exchange of information is essential to the health of today’s organizations.

Employees must be empowered with information so they can make the best decisions at the lowest possible organizational level quickly and without the approval of higher-ups.

5. Failing to Learn

Today more than ever, managers must be ready to change if the situation changes — and it will.

6. Resisting Change

Make no mistake; you can’t stop change.

Instead, concentrate on taking actions that make a positive difference in your business life. The best path of all is to proactively anticipate the changes coming your way and make plans to address them before they hit your company.

The smartest managers keep up with trends and changes in their industries and are leaders, not followers, when change is necessary.

7. Not Making Time for Employees

As a manager, you’re different things to different people.

But whether you’re considered a resource, a trusted associate, a mentor or a coach, there is one common thread: Your employees need your time and guidance during the course of their careers.

Make sure you’re available. Put aside your work, ignore your phone and give your undivided attention. You will be a better manager and your company will be a better company.

8. Not Recognizing Employee Achievements

Especially in these times of constant change, downsizing and increased worker uncertainty, it’s important to recognize the good work of your employees.

The most effective reward is personal and written recognition from an employee’s manager, and it doesn’t cost a thing. Never get too busy to take time to recognize your employees’ achievements. After all, their successes are your successes.

9. Going for the Quick Fix

Every manager loves to fix parts of the organization that are broken.

Unfortunately, mediocre managers too often depend on quick fixes and fail to look into the long-term solutions.

Take your time and look for the cause of the problem — only then can you develop real solutions that have a lasting effect.

10. Taking it All too Seriously

To be sure, business is serious.

Sometimes, for instance, a new product fails to catch on and the red ink starts to gush.

But in spite of — or maybe because of — all these serious situations, you must maintain a sense of humor and foster an environment that is fun. Have potluck lunches at the office. Go out after work as a group. Surprise employees with special awards for such things as the most unusual necktie or the best joke of the week.

Don’t be a stick- in-the-mud.

Live every day as if it were your last.

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